God’s Glory Revealed In You:
Got 6 minutes? Mankind is fit perfectly for the life of God Himself—nothing else will satisfy, nothing else will work. That is the essence of Christianity. Here’s a great way to find Him alive and effective in you.
Got 6 minutes? Mankind is fit perfectly for the life of God Himself—nothing else will satisfy, nothing else will work. That is the essence of Christianity. Here’s a great way to find Him alive and effective in you.
Got 5 minutes? There’s a whole lot of talk going on about love, and why shouldn’t there be? But is it true that “Walking in love is the key”? Is love first or second?
Do you know what self-examination is for? It’s better than you think. Take 3 minutes to find out.
Got 2.5 minutes? There is a lie that has been offered and sold to millions of people over centuries of time, fouling their enjoyment of Jesus and frustrating their lives. Find out the truth.
Got 6 minutes? If you’ve ever felt like a crazy box of puzzle pieces, here’s a helpful look at how God sees you and how you might more easily let Him put you together.
Judgment Doctors are people who come to you in personal judgmentalness dressed up as caring concern, and who offer you an olive branch that you will discover is actually a knife. They are the doctors, and you are the patient. However, they care less about who you actually are than about what bothers them. They have gone blind and want to share their blindness with you. Here’s what you can do about it.
Do you ever go a little crazy? You know, fail up a storm of ugly? You might think that there are two of you—one bad and one good. That’s a lot of trouble since you’ll have to make war on the one, while building up the other. Fortunately, the truth about you is both good news and powerful for life. Give 3 minutes to this video and be encouraged.
The vicious attack in Orlando underscores—Shouts!—a clear message. Take 3 minutes to be reminded of what that vital truth is.
Got 3 minutes? Have you ever wondered if the Holy Spirit takes a break from what He does with you? What might that be like? This should help you catch a liar if one’s been speaking to you.
If you want to know why some messages bind you to labor and failure, while others release you to rest and success, watch this. In my view, this is one of the best little messages I’ve done concerning how to live by grace, and how to find the Christian life promised to us: “My yoke is easy and my burden light.”