Below and to the left, you’ll find a list of video topics. Click on any one, and a number of videos will appear to the right of that column. Click on the text of the video title, and a new browser window will give you a larger view. There’s a lot here! Enjoy yourself.

Your Place in God’s Parade:

You are not indebted to God. Why not, and why is that important? Spend 3 minutes with me to find out what fun God is having with you. You’ll be glad you did.

Life for the Cling-On::

Got 3 minutes? Every now and then I get a little grumpy. If you’re the least bit of a Star Trek fan, you might think of me as Worf, the Klingon crew member of the Enterprise. That might be how I come across in this video, but it’s for a vital truth—true identity—without which we suffer and cannot get healthy.

Stand Up, Jesus:

If you want to know why some messages bind you to labor and failure, while others release you to rest and success, watch this. In my view, this is one of the best little messages I’ve done concerning how to live by grace, and how to find the Christian life promised to us: “My yoke is easy and my burden light.”

Ushers In The Pain:

Are you feeling the fear and pain of this world? Do finances and End Times have you on edge? Take 5 minutes to clear your head and free your heart from the craziness that has no place with you.

Remember Your Eyes:

Got 1 minute? With all of the information and opinion bombarding you every day, here’s a quick refresher that will help bring you back to health and sanity.

The Judgment Doctors:

Judgment Doctors are people who come to you in personal judgmentalness dressed up as caring concern, and who offer you an olive branch that you will discover is actually a knife. They are the doctors, and you are the patient. However, they care less about who you actually are than about what bothers them. They have gone blind and want to share their blindness with you. Here’s what you can do about it.

Recognizing the Perfect Work of God:

Oftentimes the first thing you hear in a sermon is the most revealing. If it isn’t about the perfect work of God, beware, because what follows may well be a twisted burden aimed at you.

A Devastating Cover-Up:

What happens if we don’t believe we’re reconciled to God when we actually are? It’s devastating. No kidding. But there’s hope.

Direction, Rejection & Torture:

Got 3 minutes? Here’s the question: What is the relationship between God-given direction and the role that rejection and torture play in it?