The winds of the world are blowing fiercely and chaotically. Even friends burst out with a gale-force of angry words at each other, thinking their outburst will surely conquer and quiet the rage of the other. It’s madness.
But this is not our wind. This is not what moves us. This world’s wind is lifeless. Can you tell?
A particular meaning of the name, “Spirit of God,” has always been (whether Hebrew or Greek) the “wind” or “breath” of God. In Genesis 2, the wind of God breathed life into man, who “became a living being.” That same wind was removed from mankind when Adam and Eve died spiritually after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. No one had “the breath of life” within them from that day and all through the Old Testament. But God had a plan for His return, which Jesus proclaimed to Nicodemus in John 3.
Essentially, Jesus tells Nicodemus that unless he is born again, he could not enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus tells him that he had to be born of the Spirit, because only “the Spirit gives birth to spirit” (John 3:6). And soon after Jesus’ resurrection, the Holy Spirit, the original wind of God, makes a grand re-entrance into the believers gathered in the upper room!
Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit (literally, the holy breath or wind of God) and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Parenthesis mine.)
What a day! What a moment. What a time—right on time. Because where was the wind? Where was the life-giving and life-moving Spirit? He was in! He was in again, full of life and movement. Why are we looking at this today? Because if you don’t know this, you might grow accustomed to the winds of this world and think they’re your winds. You might have no expectation of the inside wind, the wind of life for you. And you’ll suffer.
This breath of life, this wind of God is mysterious, I know. But paying attention to Him in you means life for you and freedom for you. That’s what He’s all about because that’s who He is! He doesn’t just do it as a choice; it’s who He is. And He’ll convince you that you’re not in charge because He is, so you can stay in step with His leading or His movement for you. And He’s pretty good at producing fruit, you know?
So if you haven’t been talking about what God is doing with you lately, consider the wind you’re paying attention to: the wind of God in you, or the winds of this world?
See you later.